Admittedly - this is not a novel idea. Three years ago, representatives of the Student Union brought this project to the table with the STATTBAU GmbH in Berlin. The approach - students and senior citizens supporting each other in a common living space. At that point in time, the senior citizens in particular had great reservations...
Since then, the framework conditions have moved on. According to STATTBAU, the senior citizens had undergone a change in mindset; pilot projects on a shared llifestyle were successful. The demand for social housing is huge for the coming years. A student/senior citizen residential accommodation is thus a key to creating a "better quality of living" within these "constraints".
The result - LIFE PARTNERS: Students and seniors supporting one another in everyday life – sharing energy, ideals, experience, in short - a zest for life.
In collaboration with WELKER FOUNDATION Duisburg, we have developed a concept for a former care home for the elderly in Duisburg and had it evaluated.
The German PARITÄTISCHE WOHLFAHRTSVERBAND (Charities Association) - the INSTITUT FÜR ARBEIT UND TECHNIK (Institute for work and technology) - the BUNDESMINISTERIUM FÜR VERKEHR, BAU UND STADTENTWICKLUNG (BMVBS) (Federal Ministry of transport, building and Urban Affairs) came to the same conclusion:
The concept is not just a "nice idea" but economically and socially cost-effective.
We want to introduce precisely this approach to our target audience: For cooperatives, housing associations, municipal construction companies, towns and communities. It is not just pure theory, but can become reality with your help, in appropriate locations and within a very short timescale.
The following presentations will proved a scientific introduction within the context of our theme of "MultiGenerationalLiving":
"Modern technology for MultiGenerationalLiving"
by Prof. Dr. Viktor Grinewitschus, (Institute of energy systems and energy management of the University of Ruhr-West)
"Living - young and old"
by Michael Cirkel, (Institute for Work and Technology - Gelsenkirchen)
There will also be a finance presentation on:
“Routes to financing using public funding”
By Stefan Kunz, Funding Advisor of the NRW Bank & Jürgen Jankowski, Funding Advisor of the NRW Bank, Social Housing Funding
The audience will include German representatives from communities, mayors, social services, housing associations, headteachers, universities and student organisations.
UK delegates in a relevant area or sector are welcome - Places are limited!
Whilst the conference language is German, translation services will be provided.
UK contact for more information:
Dr Chris Thomas, T: 01223 440024, E:
Ambassador for Tollé Green Architecture