Sunday, 23 June 2013

Tollé GmbH: Seeking better solutions for ageing populations

The Tollés are currently interested in looking at new forms of architecture and living that take account of the changing demographics of an increasingly ageing population.  During my visit in Düsseldorf, we met up with an expert in the field.

Dr Michael Cirkel, ITA (Institute für Arbeit und Technik, Institute for Work and Technology) published an interesting paper in 2011. Like many nations, Germany is seeing an ageing population AND an expected shortfall in highly qualified staff.

Photo: Leif, Sandra and Michael

This has multiple effects for employers and working conditions. As the market for experienced personnel gets scarce, there is more pressure for employees to be more family friendly. However, other changes are needed. Since most careers for elderly relatives are in employment, their needs also need to be catered for. Furthermore, new strategies will be required to ensure companies remain innovative whilst having an older workforce.

The issues are currently suppressed by the economic situation but will resurface again as we come out of recession.

For us within the Tollé group, we also want to find solutions for an ageing population, that allow us to live independently longer. Institutional care is unlikely to match growth or even be desirable. We are actively pursuing novel solutions, with expert help, hence our link to Michael Cirkel.

Michael's paper is M. Circle & P. re, Enste11: Smart Ageing - der Spagat zwischen Pflege und Beruf: vom Umgang mit der alternden Belegschaft. Internet-Dokument. Gelsenkirchen: Inst. Arbeit und Technik. Forschung Aktuell, Nr. 01/2011

Other articles from visit to Tollé GmbH in June 2013:
Tollé GmbH off to a running start
How German banks support business

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

The UK and Europe: Where can we go?

In the current economic climate, fractures are visible in Europe and a eurosceptic British population is looking towards a promised future referendum which may see the UK opt out of the EU.

Is in or out of the EU the only solution?

I recently attended a meeting organised by the German British Forum in London. The annual conference looked at the issues of the European Single Market and the future of British manufacturing.
Five key points came up:

  • The economies of the UK and Germany are improving.
  • Britain’s place is better off within the single market.
  • There is less enthusiasm for the Euro and full economic and political union.
  • Business needs long term political stability NOT uncertainty.
  • There is a solution to the conundrum.

The solution proposed by the Right Honourable Lord Owen, is that the structure of the EU and the single market is reorganised.

This can be done through the amendment of existing treaties and agreements. The result would be a strengthened European Economic Area for the single market, with the nations within and without of the Eurozone. Those countries wishing closer political and economic union could continue to strive towards that goal.

For a more detailed report see:

For a blog and photo report on the Venue, Stationers’ Hall, see: